Harpenden 28th July

Here you will find my photos of my trip with Richa on the 28th to Harpenden

319001 (northbound)
319 439 (northbound)
319 456 in advertising livery (southbound)
MML hst (southbound)
319 007 (southbound)
319 010 (northbound)
319 007 (northbound)
MML hst (southbound)
MML hst (southbound)
319001 (southbound)
37607 (northbound)
66512 (northbound)
37612 (southbound)
37612 (southbound)
66559 (southbound)
66547 (northbound)
66620 (northbound)
66712 (southbound)
66427 (northbound)
MML hst (southbound)

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